Kim Jong Un Inspects Terminal of Pyongyang International Airport

Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, together with Ri Sol Ju gave field guidance to the Terminal of Pyongyang International Airport which was successfully completed.

    He commanded a bird's-eye view of the terminal from his plane.

    Saying that Pyongyang International Airport was well built in a neat and fashionable manner, he set forth the tasks for radically changing the looks of its area in harmony with the modern terminal.

    He stressed that the looks of the vicinity of the airport, including the areas of Sunan District and Thaekam Farm, should undergo a dramatic change as befitting the gateway to the capital city of Pyongyang, under the Party's master plan for the development of the airport area, and high-speed railways and motorway from the airport to the city center should be built to ensure smooth traffic.

    After getting down through an air bridge, he went round the newly-built terminal.

    He was very satisfied to see the terminal well built as required by modern architectural beauty and national character.

    He noted with pleasure that the gatepost of the airport was erected in such way as to sustain the national character and the front and back of the terminal look very nice.

    Going round departure waiting lounge, check-in hall, entry formalities hall, arrival hall, service hall, VIPs rooms and other places of the terminal, he learned in detail about their construction and preparations for their operation.

    Recalling that leader Kim Jong Il gave a series of instructions to build well Pyongyang International Airport till the last moments of his life, Kim Jong Un said his instructions had been implemented at last. I feel deep remorse at the failure to show Kim Jong Il this wonderful terminal, he said, adding:

    The leader would have been very glad to hear that the airport was built wonderfully like this by our own efforts. His smiling image is fresh in my memory.

    Kim Jong Un gave his thanks on behalf of the Party Central Committee to the soldier-builders, officials of commissions, ministries and national institutions and working people who built the terminal as a model edifice in the Songun era to be proud of before the world.

    Stressing the need to successfully ensure the management and operation of the terminal, he specified the tasks and ways for having a splendid inaugural ceremony on July 1 and starting serving passengers.

    He ardently called for building many edifices symbolic of the thriving and highly-civilized country by displaying the same creative enthusiasm for creating the Korean speed as done in the construction of the terminal and thus significantly adorning the venue of the grand October festival.

    Accompanying him were Hwang Pyong So, Pak Pong Ju, Kim Yang Gon, Ri Jae Il, Ri Pyong Chol, Kim Yo Jong and Jo Yong Won. -0-

Light rain shower
Humidity: 89%
Wind: S at 20km/h
Detail & forecast
Sat 27th July

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